Weekly Fun w/ Mady 9!

Can you believe it?  We’re already on number nine!  Remember, no cheating or watching the videos more than once.  You’ll see why it’s against the rules when you watch the video.  So what are you waiting for?  Go on, watch away!

~ Daisy


Easter is one of my favorite holidays. Not just because of the wonderful egg coloring, but because of all the fun I have on Easter day! I can’t wait till’ Friday when all the fun begins. Soon, there will be the smell of cookies in the air. Soon, there will be hard boiled eggs scattered across the table waiting for me to color them. Soon, I will be hunting for eggs in my Great Grandma’s backyard in Lake Geneva… I simply can’t wait until all the fun unfolds! Can you believe it’s already fourth quarter? Graduation is only several weeks away! Scary yet exciting at the same time! How do you celebrate Easter?

~ Daisy

Aren’t they lovable, I just want to hold one!