Cotton Candy

I’ve never had cotton candy and I guess that makes me uncultured in that area of American culture.  It’s not that I’m afraid of its magical fluffiness or sneaky flavors.  I’ve just never really had the need to eat it or been given the opportunity.  Usually when I’m at the fair or somewhere that offers it, I find something better!  What’d you t think?  Do you think that I’m crazy?  Tell me!

– Madelyn

It looks untouchable!  Like, it isn’t something you should eat.  More like insulation to put in-between your walls!



I feel like there is something to say about mirrors.  No one talks about them?  Well.  I’m about too.  Are they  a piece of equipment used to be vanity stricken?  Are they a way to check and see if you look presentable?  If so, why must life always be “showy.”

Is life a fashion statement?  In my opinion clothes are something used to express yourself.  I don’t feel like make-up and clothes are something that should conceal us.  It should be something that enchances your natural beauty.

Well, what does that have to do with mirrors?  It’s is making the point that we live in a world that is all about looks and appearance.  We are very visual.  Thank God!  If a font looks ugly, I change it…  However!  In general, I couldn’t really  support the face that a visual society is all good.  It pressures people to change and warp themselves to fit in.  It pressures people to uniform.  You can give me the ho-sho about how we all have free will.  True!  Yes, we are all unique but if someone is too different, we definitely outcast and sooner or later the person has to change something.

Maybe I’m overcomplicating.  Maybe you have never thought about it.  Maybe this is all useless.



I’ve been thinking about the word lately and it has given me quite a bit of confusion.  They are these beautiful insects, right?  Well, why do we call them butterflies?  They don’t look like flies and they have nothing to do with butter.  I’m really getting quite annoyed with the English language.  What is including butter in the name doing for us?  Are we implying that they are overweight?  Who are we to say that a butterfly has clogged arteries?  Where does that leave us?  Uhhhh!!!

Another thing that is frustrating is that I can’t take Drivers-Ed until next spring and I won’t be getting my license until the summer before junior year.  I’m such a baby!


EOS Lip Balm

I’ve kind of always been a freak about lip balm and always having some with me.  I hate having chapped lips.  It’s kind of like a pet-peeve.  (That’s probably not spelled right.)  Anyway, I while ago I found this organic brand names, EOS.  It’s really moisturizing and it comes in spherical form.  I absolutely love it.  My favorite flavor is Lemon Drop (it’s the one with SPF 15) and I’m almost at the end.  I created this post because people have been asking me where to get it.  I got it at the Walgreens on Howell…  So, although they probably don’t have it anymore I’ve decided to give you a couple options!  There are some links below.  It’s not your regular $1.29 chapstick but if you’ve got hyper-sensitive skin like me you’ll love it!

That website will lead you to a map with all the stores that carry EOS products.  You can even just search for a single product.  Online is usually the best bet and they will give you some of those on the site, too!  Have fun and try it out…



Student Play Festival

Guess it’s time I filled you in…  I really should be working on a self-portrait that is due tomorrow.  However, if  you know me you’ll know that it is utterly impossible for me to focus on something for long periods of time for certain things.  Some things I can do but tedious things like shading my boring face just ticks me off a bit.  Sorry for leading by a bad example but I’m the procrastinating queen!  Need lessons?  Leave a comment.  Anyway, back to my story!

At PIUS…  Yes, PIUS.  I know how everyone hates the school but get over it!    At the end of the year after the big shows are over we have the, (drum roll) Student Play Festival.  It’s a series of short plays that are written, directed, and acted by students.  When you audition (any year can audition) you audition for all of them and they cast you in (if any) the one they’d like you in.  This year there were six plays.  I got called back and casted for Maccichi Zulu.  It’s about two lions that are in love.   So, there are two actors.  The lions are called Anshus and Dae.  I’m Dae.   The play is interpretive, so it tells a story using only movement and sound.  THERE IS NO TALKING.  It’s pretty cool and I’m having a great time.  It’s less intimidating to act in front of students, then some hoytie-toytie director.  It’s like hanging out.  Hope all my friends are having fun in high school.  You can do it!  I beg you to survive, it’s almost over!

I get out MAY 24th!  I’m so excited.

TALK!  I know you’re all out there.  If I can do it, you can do it.  Call me.  I’m lonely. JK

Love you all.  Blessings,



I know!  It’s been forever and I need to get better @ this.  I promise I will try harder.

Anyway, who’s excited for Thanksgiving?  I have a five day weekend because I get Monday off!!!!!  On Thursday I’m going to my Mom’s side and then my Dad’s side.  On Friday I’m going to Minnesota for two days to see my cousin preform at UMN.  I’m pretty siked!  Then on Monday we might go to Chicago.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?  Are you obsessed with the turkey or do you dig into the green bean casserole like me?  I like everything and I wait 365 days to get this kind of food so my portion control might be a little unbalanced.

I know I’m making this post super long but am I the only one that categorizes the houses I go to during Thanksgiving.  It’s like my Mom’s side is always fun.  I have cousins who are around my age and we have lots of fun.  However, it’s kind of like a pot-luck where everyone brings in something.  Sometimes this goes bad because someones on a diet kick and made the mashed potatoes or someones on that South Beach Diet and decides to bring in brick hard stuffing.  Then theres my Dad’s side where there really isn’t much to do but eat because all of it is handmade my my Grandma!!!  I feel like a nerd for getting this all down to a science; yet, somehow I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has opposites for extended families.

Text me, call me, email me, comment, rate!

I miss you guys!

– Mady


Water Coloring

I’ve been doing a lot of water-coloring lately.  Were going to Door County soon! (July 5th-July 17th) I am so excited!  We go up there every July and for the past few years I’ve been water-coloring like crazy.  This year, however, I want to sell my watercolors up there.  A lot of the locals know me, and I think I might sell a few.  It’s worth a shot and it’s more for fun anyhow!  What are your plans for the rest of the summer?  Have any adventures you’re dying to vent about?  Either way, check out my comment bar or use the blue stars to rate!

~ Daisy

The famous Door County cherries!

Want a cherry pie recipe from a Door County Blog?  I demand you click here.

How is your summer going?

Mines going great considering the fact that I’m doing nothing but swimming at the beach and the pools!  The weathers been great regardless of the exciting thunder storm two days ago and I’m making money with baby-sitting and other jobs.  Could it get any better?  I’m supposed to go to Toy Story 3 with Ashley and Kiley on Tuesday and I plan on lots of fun, a trip to Door County and lots of sleepovers with cousins.  So, let me ask you again…  How is your summer going?

~ Daisy

I wan’t these sunglasses!


As beautiful as they might seem, staplers are very dangerous.  Friday was great, don’t get me wrong!  But after a day (Saturday) of riding my bike in the rain all over “tar-nation” (to get milk) and getting soaked, Sunday seemed like a fantastic fresh start.  Little did I know that later that afternoon I’d be hostage to a whole lot of pain.  So, when my Mom decided to throw a rummage sale, me and Sam were sent all over the neighborhood to put up signs.  While on the corner of Howell and Oklahoma near a gas station with lots of traffic, Samantha dropped a sign and flew into the road.  She was sent chasing it and in the process she dropped the stapler we were using.  Guess where that stapler went?  Right under my foot!  When I stepped down I was shocked to see that a staple was in my foot!  “Owwwwwwwww!”  It took forever to pull it out and it hurt!  Lesson learned.  Don’t trust staplers or sisters.

~ Daisy


Have any of you heard that old song, “867-5309.”  I’m not sure if that’s the actual title of the song but it’s a pretty dominant verse in the song.  It occurred to be, not to long ago, that my locker itself is part of that song!  I feel so special.  My locker # is 309!  Ironic, huh?  Speaking of lockers, I should probably start cleaning out mine.  It’s going to take a while…   I’m not a slob, it’s just that the shelf that I have put in my locker keeps on falling and I have just concluded that it is not worth the stress.  I’m not going to keep on rearranging it, just for it to fall again!  So, I just let everything tumble to the bottom of my locker.   Oh, well!  “Pick your battles.”

~ Daisy

Want to hear the song I’m talking about?  If you answered “yes”, click here.

I Saved a Turtle

I know it’s kind of late but I’ve had so much to blog about lately!  I can’t get it all into one post…   One thing I meant to tell you on Monday, was that I saved a turtle!  Yah, no joke.  It was on the highway coming home from my Grandparent’s (dad’s side) house in Big Bend.  It wasn’t enormous but fairly big.  It was scared at me at first.  One of its arms had been run over so I wanted to get it to a nearby pond.  That way it wouldn’t be road-kill again.  When I tried to pull it out of the grass I realized it had a great grip but I eventually got him and when I did, he went into his shell.  I put him in a pond by my grandparent’s  house and we all lived, “Happily Ever After!”  As far as I know…   I feel like a hero!

~ Daisy

Stilt Fisherman

With all the technology that we have been introduced to in this generation, many of us don’t have to do it the hard way anymore… Theres pros and cons to that… For example, a pro with technology is the ability to do things more efficiently. A con to technology, is that over the years people start loosing their abilities to write with good penmanship and do a research paper without using GOOGLE. “What does this have to do with Stilt Fisherman Madelyn?”

Cultures, untouched by the overwhelming advances of technology can do things that Americans wouldn’t even dream of doing. I’m not blaming my lack of balance on technology but the fact that cultures can do it the hard way and carry on without complaining is truly an aspect of character that we need to grow a little on. Solar panels, wind turbines, and plasma screen TVs are all great, don’t get me wrong. I like watching the Superbowl just as much as any of you. But eventually people aren’t going to know how to do simple tasks like writing letters by hand…

Stilt Fisherman are my inspiration today. They carry on with tradition, they catch fish to feed their families, and they are happy just as they are… They don’t need anyone else to do it for them. Cultures and traditions like these are what make my day go round and inspire me to be as dependent and motivated as humanly possible…

~ Daisy

For more pictures, click here.


I know the lilac, crab, and magnolia tree seasons are well over but there are a couple stragglers… Those stragglers are making my day! Whenever I’m having a hard and frustrating day like this one; nothing puts my mind more at peace then the smell of a lilac tree! Fragrant, purple, and sweet… What smells make you smile?

~ Daisy


I went swimming yesterday and better yet, I didn’t get sunburn. It was after school and therefore we didn’t have to put any on. It was refreshing and wonderful. I practiced diving,some laps, and had some “noodle wars”… I love swimming if you haven’t already noticed. I felt bad for Samantha the whole time because she had got sunburn at track and could barely swim. Anyways, it was nice to visit with my grandparents and get some time to relax. Believe it or not, I’m in a wonderful mood! I hope it doesn’t get spoiled by some catastrophe… Now I’m going to conclude this post before any “jinxing” happens!

~ Daisy

Look, mermaids!