
Most people immediately think about poison ivy when someone mentions, “ivy.”  But, ivy can be a beautiful thing. Some of my favorite houses have ivy amongst their exterior walls. There is something so beautiful to me about green lush ivy leaves on an old brick building. Maybe that’s just my weird wack-a-doodle self talking. Maybe I’ll take a picture downtown today of the beautiful ivy on the buildings and use it as my blog-header. How do you feel about the subject? Do you think ivy overwhelms and invades a house’s exterior walls? Or do you think it builds a buildings character like me? Comment and I might write a follow-up post based off your feedback…

~ Daisy

Weekly Fun w/ Mady 12!

The video will explain…

Letters that are not included: b, c, f, g, i, j, k, l, n, q, u, v, w, x, z

_ _ _ _ _           _ _ _ _ _ _’ _         _ _ _!

Whoever solves this hangman first is this week’s winner!  Oh, yeah!


I love eggs!  There are so many ways to cook them, eat them and do with them that you simply cannot dislike eggs entirely.  For example, I had eggs on toast this morning and it was yummy but I could have done thousands of thing!  I could have boiled them, colored them, fried them and who knows what else!  Do you get my point or am I starting to sound bazaar?  The point is, is that I love eggs and you should too!  So, how do you like your eggs if any?  Comment to let me know…  I like mine scrambled.

~ Daisy

Have you ever read the book by Jerry Spinelli?

Extreme Wind

Is it just me or do you too, “have a feeling were not in Kansas in anymore!”


P.S.  I’ve done two post today so make sure to check on the previous one and comment!


You know those great fireworks that you can hold in your hand?  They look like wands and they’re called sparklers…  I love them!  We had like a ton left from last year so we used them last night on Samantha’s birthday and we had a blast.  What is your favorite type of firework?

~ Daisy


Yesterday was so much fun! I confirmed my Mom’s addiction of flowers, went to a greenhouse,  and played outside all day.   Could it have been a better day?  She bought enough flowers to cover our whole car yesterday! Boy, this weather is great! Later today I promise to post some pictures I took yesterday. It’s my sister’s birthday today (the one you sang to in lunch) and she’s having some friends over, so that will be fun… “Ta ta for now, everyone!”  I’ll tell you how the party went tomorrow!  “Tomorrow, tomorrow, there’s always tomorrow…  If only a day away!”  (That’s a very old, but catchy and unforgettable tune.)

It’s Almost Here!

Summer is almost here!  Unlike most of us, I don’t have it down to the day but high school and summer seem closer than ever.  I saw a friend from Rufus King the other day and she got me excited.  With all the warm weather and the family baseball game yesterday (that was unbelievable fun) I can’t get enough of it.  Summer is crawling up on us, everyone!  I can feel the taste of lemonade, already!  If your like me, your probably overjoyed and overwhelmed with happiness.  If not, my sympathies…

~ Daisy


Glasses, aside from pins, are like the coolest thing ever.  It’s like nail-polish!  They can express your personality.  If I needed help to see clearly I definitely wouldn’t wear contacts!  What’s the point?  I’d want to wear glasses that make me unique.  Here are some examples of glasses that my friends like to wear…  If you’d like me to add you, simply comment with the type you like and a url of a picture you dig!

~ Daisy


Fun and colorful!




Norman Rockwell!



Planet Walk Questions

The purpose of the Planet Walk was to determine the scale of the Solar System. We did this by figuring out the size of the planets in relation to each other, and the distances between the planets.
Our Sun (Sol) was nine inches in diameter.

1.) Our Mercury was .0314 inches in diameter and thirty one (31) ft. from the Sun.

2.) Our Jupiter was .9245 inches in diameter and four hundred and nineteen (419) ft. from the Sun.

3.) Our Neptune was .2937 inches in diameter and two thousand and four hundred and twenty four (2,424) ft. from the Sun.

Peter happened to have feet that were roughly twelve inches, so we used him to count out the feet between the planets.

One thing that I noticed later on, while video-taping was that the planets closer to the sun were closer together. As the planets got bigger (for the most part), the distances between them increased. So, in conclusion. Outer planets (typically bigger planets called, “Gas Giants”) are further from each other than the smaller terrestrial planets closer to the Sun.

I found the sizes of the planets interesting, to tell you the truth. I was enamored that the size of Earth was .0823 inches while Jupiter (being roughly an inch) and the Sun (being nine inches) towered over it.

I think the way our class worked out pretty well. We didn’t necessarily get the whole essence of the size of the planets but we got a pretty cool perspective on where they are in comparison to each other in the Universe.

While I liked the way we did it, I’d also like to show the scale of the planets and give the audience a feel for their size. Ironically, I can get this opportunity doing extra credit…


I think I’ve blogged about Chicago before!  Yah, cause I was just looking at the link and it states, “0207madelyng.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/chicago-2/! I love Chicago…   I cant wait until the 8th grade field trip.  Chicago is such a great city.  It’s way bigger than Chicago and in addition, there are so many fun things to do.  On, “Student Off Days” my Mom takes us down there to see my Aunt Lorelei and her family and we have a blast!  I think one of the things I’d love to do besides shopping is ride the ferris wheel at Navy Pier!

~ Daisy

Weekly Fun w/ Mady 10!

Here it is, as promised yesterday!  Sorry about the hold up but if you read yesterday’s post you’ll understand!  Thank you and have a spectacular day!  Remember to direct your comments of the video to this post’s comment line!

~ Daisy


Was yesterday, “Put Your Kids to Work Day?” I swear, I must have done at least ten loads of dishes! I’ve done work before, don’t get me wrong. But ten loads of dishes is a little harsh for a daughter who hasn’t done anything wrong (recently) and deserves a relaxing weekend! Are there any perks to being the oldest child? Well, no bother complaining about it know. Thanks to the dishes, I forgot to upload my, “Weekly Fun w/ Mady 10” video. So, I apologize. I promise to post it tonight, though! So, check my blog out after school! Have fun and give it some thought…

~ Daisy

It is not as fun as she makes it out to be!

Apple Jacks

Don’t get me wrong, I love Apple Jacks! But what are we teaching our children? I mean, the cinnamon stick has an eyebrow piercing! Yes, we live in the 21st century and yes, piercings are fine once your a teenager. But little kids are munching on the cereal too! Little kids hold cereal box characters as heroes and ro-models! Are they going to start getting tattoos and piercings the “Cinnamon Stick Man” said it was okay? I don’t know about you, but I’m taking this very seriously. Even the Apple Jack commercials are violent! I don’t think little children as young as my sister need eyebrow piercings and to tell you the truth, the Apple Jacks Company is setting a horrible example! Give me a wholesome cereal box, please!

~ Daisy

Home Depot

Don’t you think it’s kind of odd that every time you plan out a blog post the day before, you forget entirely about it the next day. So really, its no use! Let’s get to the point, hence the title, “Home Depot.” Well, we finally picked out our carpet and paint for the third floor but whats even more interesting is what happened to my mother upon entering the flower center there.  So, she was looking at the orchids innocently, right?  They’re exotic plants so they’re real pretty and exotic.  She really loved this one that was a beautiful green and coral orange.  Getting to the climax here, I promise!  Being her curious self she went to sniff it and examine it’s unique center.  Shes a master gardener and she had never seen one before!  So while she was about an inch from the flower this huge exotic spider woke up and started stretching its legs.  My mother was so shocked that she said she jumped three feet high!  Though, that probably was an exaggeration…  She loves spiders and so she didn’t report it.  It must have been exotic!  Have you ever seen a green or pink spider around here that has perfect orchid camouflage?  It’s pretty creepy but all the same I’ve learned to just ignore bugs and let them live their life.  Pretty interesting story, don’t you think?  Comment on what you think!

~ Daisy

Hello, Everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve written last. Actually, Monday was my most recent post! Thanks for loving my tiara, everyone… I’ve decided to say, “Hello” in Polish, considering that I haven’t said it on my blog in a while. Hey! If your feeling in the mood, why don’t you comment by saying, “hello” in a different language than Polish of English? It will be fun!

Dzien Dobry!

~ Daisy

My Tiara

Many of you are probably gazing at my cute purple tiara, wondering why in God’s name I’ m wearing it, right? Well, let me answer that quickly. No, it’s not my birthday. Actually, my sister’s was yesterday. No, I’m not a princess (though I’d like to be)and no, I’m not seeking attention. Wearing this tiara was a spur of the moment and wearing it makes me feel special! Come on guys, isn’t it fun to dress up once in a while and be little again? The reason I wore this tiara was to prove that though I’m almost fourteen I can still have just as much fun as I did years ago without being embarrassed! So, there you go! I hope your satisfied with my response and who knows, maybe everyone will start to wear tiaras like Lydia and I! Maybe after wearing one you’ll feel happy enough to stop gossiping and causing drama in this school! Sorry, my sarcasm goes overboard quite quickly. I’m just sick of everyone starting things and never being satisfied unless some kind of stupid argument is going on. Thank you all for excepting my tiara into your world. Now, have fun watching this week’s video!

~ Daisy

Weekly Fun w/ Mady 9!

Can you believe it?  We’re already on number nine!  Remember, no cheating or watching the videos more than once.  You’ll see why it’s against the rules when you watch the video.  So what are you waiting for?  Go on, watch away!

~ Daisy

Yellow Rasberries

Did you know there is such a thing? Turns out there is a lot of stuff I don’t know! Don’t worry, I’m getting there. I learn something new everyday! No ground breaking news on whether or not they taste good. I mean, my Mom doesn’t like them but… Oh well, at least they exist! Who knows, maybe I’ll try one sometime.

For more pictures click here.


What would life be without color?  Can you imagine a world without it?  Color is my life, literally.  I would hate to live without knowing what orange, yellow or green meant!  I would hate not to have nail polish, hair color or simple pleasures like a rainbow in my life.  I suppose I wouldn’t even care if I didn’t know what color meant in the first place but now that I know, I’m not sure if I could go without them?  Try to picture the sun a big dull circle in the middle of a blank sky!  I cant and regardless of if thats my problem or not I would never want to live without my precious paints and shades of beautiful yellow and indigo.  Could you live without it?  Be honest.

~ Daisy

I love nailpolish!